Swiss Education Group院校在2024年QS世界大學排名中大放異彩
我們深信卓越的學術追求及以學生為中心的理念是我們成功的基礎。今天,我們的成功獲得了肯定。我們非常自豪地宣布,在2024年QS世界大學排名中- 酒店管理和休閒管理學科,SEG各院校均有出色表現並位列於全球排名前七名,當中,Swiss Hotel Management School 及 Cesar Ritz Colleges更位居全球前三名位置。這些振奮的消息再次肯定了我們對每位學生的培育和傳統教育體驗的堅定承諾。

3月22日剛剛發佈了2023年QS世界大學排名中,Swiss Education Group,SEG 屬下酒店管理各大學,在酒店和休閒管理類別 (Hospitality and Leisure Management) 中均再次躋身全球前8名,瑞士酒店管理大學 (Swiss Hotel Management School) 亦連續2年獲取全球第三名!
- Swiss Hotel Management School (3rd)
- César Ritz Colleges Switzerland (6th)
- Hotel Institute Montreux (7th)
- Culinary Arts Academy Switzerland (8th)

“很感謝學術界和僱主的信任和投票。SEG的四間學校均維持在全球排名前八名,這證明SEG在國際上得到認可,亦激勵我們繼續改進,追求完美。 ”
Mr. Ronan Fitzgerald, Vice President, Swiss Education Group.
這種出色的表現反映了學術教師的專業知識和所提供的課程。 由於與學術界以及行業中的主要參與者建立了合作伙伴關係,SEG屬下的學校提供相關的學位課程,將理論與實踐相結合,並強調學生的就業能力和個人發展。 多年來,SEG還在世界各地建立了強大的校友網絡。

瑞士酒店管理大學 (Swiss Hotel Management School), 連續第2年位列 QS 世界大學排名中的第三名,於瑞士排名中的第二名。 SEG的其他三所學校均連續2年占據排行榜的前 8 位。 該排行榜根據學術表現、在僱主心目中的地位、與國際化的表現作評分準則。由此可見,除了大學課程及教育質量受認證外,亦反映出業界及各企業對SEG的肯定。

瑞士凱撒里茲酒店管理大學 (Cesar Ritz Colleges Switzerland) ,認為可持續發展對於酒店業的未來至關重要,自 2021 年以來,CRCS獲得全球可持續發展最高標準 Green Globe 的認證。學校為學生傳授企業管理知識,亦會在課程中培養軟技能和商業思維,使他們能夠適應不斷變化的企業或酒店環境,並在各種各樣的場所中成為領導者和引領潮流的人。

瑞士蒙特勒酒店管理大學 (Hotel Institute Montreux) ,在學術和僱主聲譽方面的平均分數都與排名結果凸顯了 HIM 教師團隊在質量上的一致性。學校從不同僱主和現有的合作伙伴中,收到很多關於學生所掌握的技能,引起了特別熱烈的反饋而脫穎而出。學校課程與行業趨勢以及發展保持一致,讓學生為職業生涯做好準備。

瑞士廚藝管理大學 (Culinary Arts Academy Switzerland),是唯一一所能夠登上QS世界大學排行榜,而且連續3年獲得排名第8名的烹飪學校。學CAA採用的學術標準和瑞士烹飪藝術教學模式,受國際性的肯定。學生在瑞士廚藝管理大學除了能跟隨世界知名的大師學習烹飪的技巧外,亦能學習建立自己事業的要點,將烹飪的藝術帶至商業世界。
我們的教育理念得到100多個行業合作夥伴和廣泛傑出校友的支持。SEG的就業總監Antonia Vollet強調實踐導向教育的好處,她說:“我們的行業合作夥伴明確表示,通過SEG領導及實習培訓計劃,讓學生在當中能快速成長,他們在SEG學生中看到傑出的人才。” 他們毫不猶豫地讚揚學生和畢業生在行業的全面能力,並且每年來到校園中招聘新的人才。這些反饋證明我們的畢業生不僅準備好面對職場,且獲得雇主們的信任、技能和快速晉升潛力。
我們與美國和英國院校達成戰略聯盟,進一步加強我們的學術理念。瑞士凱撒里茨學院和CAAS的院長Dominic Szambowski指出:「我們的學術聲譽通過不同院校合作得到提升,促進了與更廣泛學術界的豐富交流和貢獻。」彰顯了我們致力於提供全球認可和尊重的教育的承諾。致力於創新
創新是我們教育方法的核心,將最新的研究與沉浸式學習體驗相結合。Patrick Taffin強調了創新在我們排名中的重要作用,他表示:“我們專注於創新的教學方法,使我們與眾不同。我們不斷展望未來,將技術進步和可持續性實踐融入課程中,以使學生們為酒店業不斷變化的環境做好準備。Swiss Hotel Management School被認證為蘋果卓越學校,體現了我們致力於培育創新學習環境的承諾。”
QS World University Rankings 旨在為數以百萬計的學生、家長、學者和政策制定者提供獨立的質量保證,確保他們的教育、職業和戰略選擇是基於數據。

為什麼Swiss Education Group是世界頂尖的大學
1. 我們的學生受到僱主的高度重視
超過 100 多個行業合作伙伴和擁有卓越成就的校友,會受邀來到學校為學生分享他們所面對的挑戰和成功的經驗,課程由行業人士提供資訊及為學生的就業和職業發展提供機會。
2. 勇於不斷創新
SEG屬下的院校都致力於將理論與體驗式學習相結合。更重要的是,學校一直密切關注行業發展的未來趨勢。在現今高速發展的年代,SEG一直在教學方面持續創新,榮幸成為蘋果傑出合作院校 (Apple Distinguished School),亦是全球第一間酒店管理大學榮獲此殊榮,證明學校的科技教學、持續創新及創造力。
4. 培養學生成為有愛心的人 建立關係穩固的圈子
行業和各大企業都喜歡SEG的學生,因為他們畢業時已為踏入行業做好準備,可以快速投入到工作崗位中。 SEG亦多次從企業中獲得很不錯的回響,在招聘新人才時,SEG會是他們的首選學校。 由於學生們的態度、知識和技能,都符合行業所需的指標,所以SEG學生們亦有比其他學校學生更多的晉升機會。

該排名由英國國際高等教育組織Quacquarelli Symonds (QS)編制,對全球 88 個城市 1,543 所大學的學生參加的 12200 個大學項目的表現進行了獨立的對比分析,涵蓋了5個學院的51個學科。 它們是年度QS世界大學排名的一部分,該排名在2021年被觀看了超過1.47億次,被各種媒體和其他機構引用了近9.6萬次。
Better than ever – Swiss Education Group shines in 2024 QS World University Rankings
Our commitment to excellence is deeply intertwined with our student-centric philosophy and is the foundation of our success—a success that has now been recognized globally, with all four Swiss Education Group schools ranking among the top seven hospitality schools in the world.
At Swiss Education Group (SEG), our commitment to excellence is deeply intertwined with our student-centric philosophy and is the foundation of our success. Today, that success has been acknowledged.
We are proud to share that all four of our distinguished schools have risen in rank according to the 2024 QS World University Rankings for Hospitality and Leisure Management, firmly securing their positions within the top seven globally – with two schools placing in the top three. The new rankings of all four of our schools underscore our unwavering dedication to nurturing the potential of every student and providing an unparalleled educational experience.
“This world-wide recognition is a testament to the dedication of our spectacular staff and faculty who continue to bring commitment, expertise and caring to the classroom and our students. With all our schools advancing in the global rankings, we’re inspired more than ever to push the boundaries of hospitality education and produce the best future leaders in the industry”
Leo Wang
CEO of Swiss Education Group
Swiss Hotel Management School (SHMS) now proudly holds the second position globally, affirming its status as a leading force in the hospitality industry. Patrick Taffin, Assistant Dean of SHMS Leysin, shares his pride in the institution’s achievements, “Our concerted efforts to inspire and nurture future business leaders have clearly resonated with the industry. This accolade is a direct reflection of our students’ professionalism and the high regard in which SHMS is held.”
The remarkable leap by César Ritz Colleges Switzerland from 6th to 3rd position is particularly noteworthy. It’s an immense privilege to be ranked 3rd best hospitality school in the world. The Swiss Federal Accreditation received by Cesar Ritz and this ranking are a testimony to the quality education, student life, and care the school takes.
Culinary Arts Academy Switzerland (CAAS) moving one notch up to 7th position, and CAAS remains the only culinary school recognized in these rankings, highlighting its unique position and contribution to a well-rounded culinary education where our students learn more than cooking, they learn the business of hospitality.
What makes SEG schools so unique and top-ranking?
Exceptional Employer Esteem for Our Graduates
Our educational philosophy is enriched by over 100 industry partnerships and a vast network of distinguished alumni, ensuring our curriculum is directly influenced by the latest industry standards and practices. Antonia Vollet, Employer Relations Director at SEG, highlights the benefits of our real-world education, saying, “Our industry partners have a clear focus on fast-track development through their leadership training programs and they see top talent in our students. They do not hesitate to compliment the holistic industry readiness they find in our students and graduates, and they return, year after year, to recruit new talent” This feedback proves that our graduates are not only ready to face the workforce but are also highly sought after by employers for their motivation, skills, and rapid advancement potential.
Unparalleled Academic Integrity
Our academic ethos is amplified through strategic alliances with some of the world’s most respected hospitality education institutions in the US and the UK. Dominic Szambowski, dean at César Ritz Colleges Switzerland and CAAS, and previously dean at SHMS, notes, “Our academic stature is elevated by Swiss Federal Accreditation and the caliber of our academic partners, facilitating rich exchanges and contributions to the broader academic community.” These collaborations with institutions like Washington State University, the University of Derby, and Northwood University, underscore our commitment to delivering an education that is recognized and respected globally.
Commitment to Innovation
Innovation is at the heart of our educational approach, combining the latest research with immersive learning experiences. Patrick Taffin stresses the role of innovation in achieving our rankings, saying, “Our focus on innovative teaching methods sets us apart. We’re constantly looking ahead, integrating technological advancements and sustainability practices into our curriculum to prepare students for the evolving landscape of the hospitality industry. The recognition of Swiss Hotel Management School as an Apple Distinguished School exemplifies our dedication to fostering an innovative learning environment.”
A Supportive, Inclusive and Global Community
Our sustained reputation of excellence is a testament to the collective efforts of our supportive and global community, from the leadership to the students. The nurturing environment we’ve created is crucial to our success, with a strong emphasis on mutual respect, support, and a sense of belonging. The success of our students is at the heart of everything we do. Claire Jollain, Dean of HIM encapsulates this sentiment, “HIM is a ’boutique’ institution of approximately 250 students and 52 nationalities. Here, what separates us is what unites us, and inclusivity is what makes HIM feel like family. This atmosphere not only enhances the educational experience but also builds a strong, supportive network for our students.”
In which school will you find your place? Explore our offerings and become a part of our ever-growing legacy of success and innovation in the world of business, hospitality, and culinary arts. We invite you to download our brochure to learn more.
The QS World University Rankings are designed to provide independent quality assurance to the millions of students, parents, academics, and policymakers who seek to ensure that their educational, career, and strategic choices are data-driven.
You can find the full rankings for 2024 on the QS Ranking website.