School Principal's Nomination Scholarship 2025 - Application Detail

Swiss Education Group (SEG) offers ‘School Principal’s Nomination scheme” to support the students who are passionate in hospitality industry. The principal or the teachers can nominate the students to apply for this scholarship. This scholarship is applicable for applying SEG member schools:

  • SHMS, Swiss Hotel Management School
  • CRCS, Cesar Ritz Colleges Switzerland
  • HIM, Hotel Institute Montreux
  • CAA, Culinary Arts Academy

Value of the Scholarship Scheme

We are offering the opportunity to earn scholarships up to 30% of tuition fees across 3-year studies. The scholarship will be credited towards the studies at one of Swiss Education Group member schools.

Example: The total scholarship amount for SHMS is CHF 37,710 (approx. HK$339,000)


  1. Hong Kong Resident, AND
  2. Fulfill admission requirements of the Bachelor Degree Programme, AND
  3. Currently studying in the final year of high School and nominated by the School Principal or the teacher, AND
  4. New students starting their first semester of the Bachelor Degree Programme in 2025 intake.

Academic Excellence Scholarship

For the candidates who have excellent academic achievements

No. of Nominee: 2 students

Whole Person Development Scholarship

For the candidates who have achievement in non-academic performance (e.g.: arts and culture, social service, leadership, sports, and innovation and technology)

No. of Nominee: 2 students

Documents Required:

  1. Recommendation letter written by the school principal or teacher including the nominee’s strengths, weaknesses, academic ability, personality and the qualifications for the proposed study
  2. School Principal’s Nomination Form (duly completed and signed)
  3. Student Nominee’s Application Form (duly completed and signed)
  4. CV/Resume including education background, language skills, extra-curricular activities, leadership, community services, awards, work experience, …, etc
  5. Personal motivation statements describe your relevant experience, highlight the strengths, enthusiasm and the future plan for scholarship
  6. Supporting documents including recent two years school transcripts, certificates, awards, …, etc

Application Procedures:

The scholarship application documents can be submitted by the high school OR by the nominee. Please  send an email to to submit all the required documents and specify “School Principal’s Nomination Scholarship” in the email subject.

Release of Result:

Successful candidates will be contacted within 2 to 4 weeks.

Application Deadline:

31 May 2025 (Sat)

Enquiry: +852 2545 0505 or


  1. This scholarship cannot cumulate with other scholarship
  2. Swiss Education Group reserves the right for final decision

校長推薦獎學金 - 2025

Swiss Education Group (SEG) 香港入學辦事處設立「 瑞士酒店管理大學-校長推薦獎學金 」,支持及鼓勵更多香港學子,投身酒店、旅遊 、工商管理行業。SEG致力推行學術與實踐並重之教育模式,推動學生作多元化發展,以培育國際化款待業專業人才。因此,本處希望透過本獎學金,鼓勵卓越學術表現及積極參與全人發展活動之學子,前往瑞士升學,接受專業酒店管理大學教育,拓展國際視野。

SHMS, Swiss Hotel Management School 瑞士酒店管理大學
CRCS, Cesar Ritz Colleges Switzerland 瑞士凱撒里茲酒店管理大學
HIM, Hotel Institute Montreux 瑞士蒙特勒酒店工商管理大學 及
CAAS, Culinary Arts Academy 瑞士廚藝管理大學



  • 高達30%學費獎學金
  • 例:  SHMS三年制學士課程獎學金高達CHF37,710 (約港幣34萬) *會按實際學費計費


  1. 香港永久性居民;及
  2. 符合SEG旗下大學學士學位課程的入學資格;及
  3. 於香港中學就讀,由所就讀之中學推薦;及
  4. 2025年成功入讀課程第一學年之新生


  • 可推薦學術領域表現非凡之學生申請卓越表現獎學金
  • 推薦名額:2個


  • 可推薦非學術領域如藝術及文化、社會服務、領袖才能、體育,及創新與科技表現出色的學生申請全人發展獎學金
  • 推薦名額:2個



  1. 校長或老師撰寫推薦信
  2. 校長或老師填妥及簽署之校長推薦申請表
  3. 受薦人填妥及簽署之獎學金申請表
  4. 受薦人的個人履歷
  5. 受薦人的英文動機信 (500字)
  6. 受薦人的中四至中六成績表副本、證書或獎項的副本







查詢如有任何查詢,請致電2545 0505或電郵至


  1.  本獎學金不可與其他優惠或獎學金同時使用
  2. Swiss Education Group 保留最終決定權